Terms of Use


1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all persons (hereinafter referred to as the User) who contact ResearchMate OÜ (registry code 16655163) (hereinafter ResearchMate OÜ). ResearchMate OÜ is an educational technology platform that provides space to the User to connect with the other Users whose have the same passion and interest, in order to enhance the quality of the research in the different fields. ResearchMate OÜ provides the User the Services in accordance with the following terms:

1.1 ResearchMate OÜ provides a platform for the Users to connect among each other to create research/projects. Each User can create a Freemium Account which can create certain numbers of the project and certain numbers of invitation letters. ResearchMate OÜ will provide options to Users to upgrade the Freemium Account to Premium Account against certain fees.

1.2 User (excluding the project leader) can show his/her interest to the project, but the final decision of accepting him/her as project mate depends on the project leader, who is initiated the project and sends the invitation letter to other Users.

1.3 Upon Users agreed to be part of the project, each User must ensure the confidentiality of the project and keep all the material information confidential among themselves. User must cooperate and contribute to the project/research in order to achieve the project obejective(s)

1.4 User (excluding the project leader) can exit/leave the project, as a project mate, at any time of the project duration. However, the User will waive his/her right in any future publication related to this project and this will be shown in his profile as incomplete project.

1.5 User (the project leader) can exit/leave the project, after informing other project mates to create another project with the same objective. the User (project leader) will waive his/her right in any future publication related to this project and this will be shown in his profile as incomplete project.

1.6 The User submits to ResearchMate OÜ all documents, information and instructions related to the execution of the Task in good faith, complete and without delay, if necessary, on its own initiative, and ResearchMate OÜ assumes that all documents, information and instructions are thus given and granted. ResearchMate OÜ shall not be liable for any documents or information provided by the User, including, in particular, their correctness, completeness or validity.

1.7 If the User is obligated to provide ResearchMate OÜ with the necessary documentation or relevant information to comply with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act at the ResearchMate OÜ request, the violation of this obligation is considered to be a significant breach of contract and ResearchMate OÜ has the obligation on the basis of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act to cancel the Contract exceptionally without observing the notice period or providing a refund.


2.1 The controller for personal data processed in this Contract or in the execution of the Task is ResearchMate OÜ, whose Data Protection Officer can be contacted at [email protected] for questions related to the processing of personal data.

4.2 The data encompasses anything you send us and consists of the following:

2.2 When fulfilling the present Contract or performing the Task, ResearchMate OÜ User may provide to ResearchMate OÜ may collect, store, use and otherwise process personal data in the following activities and for the following purposes:

2.2.1 In connection with the performance of the Contract or Task. For the execution of the Contract or Task, User’s or User’s contact person’s given name, surname, account number, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, personal data of the User or a third person related with the Task shall be registered; to perform the Task, to manage customer relationship and to communicate with the User or a third party, to respond to customer queries, to produce sales statistics and for marketing purposes.

2.2.2 In connection with visiting the website of ResearchMate OÜ. When visiting the ResearchMate OÜ website, RESEARCHMATE OÜ may collect information about the User's computer or other device. For example, ResearchMate OÜ can get information about website visits, including the visitor's IP address, time spent on the web site, number of clicks, and more.

2.2.3 Other information in connection with interacting with ResearchMate OÜ. ResearchMate OÜ may process personal data and other information that the User may submit to E-Advisors at any time by using the ResearchMate OÜ web site or by interacting with ResearchMate OÜ.

2.3 ResearchMate OÜ may publish personal information of the User in addition to the above cases to the following persons: employees and managers of ResearchMate OÜ, cooperation partners, public authorities, umbrella and professional organizations, etc., if this is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the Task or the Contract.

2.4 ResearchMate OÜ may transmit data to third countries, complying with the requirements set out in the legislation, and by adopting appropriate measures to ensure data security.

2.5 Personal data shall be kept for at least the period prescribed by law.

2.6 The personal data collected and processed by ResearchMate OÜ are to be used for the sole purpose of this Contract.

2.7 The requirement to terminate personal data processing can only be performed by ResearchMate OÜ when the legal basis for the processing of such personal data has expired.

2.8 ResearchMate OÜ does not need to satisfy the User's requests if ResearchMate OÜ is not sure of the User’s identity, the lawfulness of the request, or in case of the data transfer request when it is not possible to securely transmit data, or it may lead to infringement of the rights of other persons or entails E-Advisors' excessive administrative burden.

2.9 The ResearchMate OÜ website may have references and links to other websites. E-Advisors is not responsible for third-party websites' security and privacy policies. E-Advisor urges you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of other websites.

2.10 The personal data of the User and a third party shall be processed in compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data in force in the Republic of Estonia and other requirements prescribed by law. When processing personal information, ResearchMate OÜ applies organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, and any other unlawful processing.


3.1 Documents sent by e-mail are not encrypted, and ResearchMate OÜ assumes no liability for any loss or damage to any equipment, software, documents or information that may result from the transmission, receipt or use of information and documents by ResearchMate OÜ.

3.2 The document sent by ResearchMate OÜ (including invoices) is deemed to be received by the User if it is sent by registered letter to the address indicated on the User's Contract or to the User's e-mail address and 2 days have elapsed since sending the letter or e-mail.

Invoices sent by ResearchMate OÜ are deemed to be accepted by the User if the User has not made a complaint about the invoice within 10 days from receipt of the invoice.